Is It Easy or Hard for Jk Rowling to Write

We all want to know how this and that famous author achieve their best selling books. What their writing routine was AND how we can do so ourselves. That special thing that produced their work.

Let's see how the other half does it.

What Is Your Daily Writing Routine?

You're about to step into the mind of J.K. Rowling. Get your pen and paper, something to make notes. Apply and craft your own writing routine.

1 Trying To Start Work Before 9am

sunset over the horizon

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J.K. Rowling states the earlier she starts, the more productive she can be.

What has she done? Found the perfect time that suits her to craft her stories.

How to do this yourself? Find your own special time when you feel most creative, most productive and claim it as your writing time.

Here is a Novel Writing Planner to help you and your story stay on track,

2 Having A space For Writing

writing person beside glass filled with black liquid on turned off iPhone in front of turned on MacBook Air on table

The author tells us that she has a room dedicated to carrying out her writing routine, her writing room. Its located in the garden a minutes walk from her house.

All the essentials are at hand as to not distract herself when entering the house. Including: a kettle, sink and cupboard sized bathroom.

What does this tell us? That Rowling surrounds herself with exactly what she needs to be able to write.

How can you achieve this? You don't have a separate work area outside your house. That's not the detail to concentrate on. J.K. Rowling takes herself into a space where she has built the ideal mood and atmosphere. Where she can achieve her writing goals.

Your desk in the living room/ bedroom/spare room is still perfect. Wherever you have that you're able to get into the writing zone.

3 Music

woman standing watching LED light musical instrument

The lyric-less kind. Rowling reveals that she listens to classical music as she finds human voices to be the most distracting when working.

Studies show that classical music helps with concentration. There are even certain pieces said to be the most powerful when increasing your productivity.

We have to personalise any advice we get.

Does this mean you need to listen to this type of music? Of course not. There are many reasons why one thing may work for someone and not another. From needing to work in silence, getting inspiration from songs with lyrics to knowing exactly what songs help you get things done.

You'll know once you've tried to work with music if this suits you best.

4 Drink A Copious Amount

white and red ceramic mug filled with tea

By 3pm J.K Rowling has drunk 8-9 mugs of tea. That's a lot by anyone standards right?

There may be some method to this madness.

Studies have shown that drinking tea helps the creative juices going. They believe that tea enhances a positive mood which in turn alights cognitive areas of your brain.

Maybe we should all try drinking some tea to overcome the dreaded writer's block eh.

5 Take Short Breaks

person standing near pond with ducks

Furthermore, the author expresses she takes small breaks until 3pm. By this time, she finds herself needing a longer break.

The science of short breaks. There are many benefits of taking a short break:

  • Prevent decision fatigue
  • Restores motivation
  • Increase productivity and creativity
  • Walking rest- consolidates memory
  • Movement breaks improve physical and emotional health

Read here to take a good break.

6 Snacking

popcorns on clear glass bowl

Mess free snacking. J. K Rowling tells us that shes incredinly clumsy. Therefore, has decided to eat food that wont ruin her keyboard when dropped.

Something like popcorn she suggests.

Scientists tell us that snacking is important. One reason is to maintain glucose levels. A drop in this, which normally occurs around early afternoon, leaves us sluggish and less creative.

Officially telling you to eat that snack. But- you know what snacks are not so great.

Hmm… This doesn't seem like the special ingredient you'd expect it to be. We are all human, so it surprising to see that this amazing author does what a lot of writers would.

Would you like to know what snacks to increase productivity? Let me know if you'd like to find out and I'll show you it next time. Until then

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